A1 Tollite, Introbio, Intrate, Incredimini, Antiphons (Manuscript From Dubrovnik, X Cent.) 2:40
A2 Haec Est Causa Vie, Antiphon (Manusript From Zagreb, XI Cent.) 1:09
A3 Annuntiamus Caritaem (Manusript From Ozor, XI Cent.) 2:33
A4 O Crux Splendidior, Antiphon (Manusript From Dubrovnik, XI Cent.) 2:27
A5 Ingredi Tente Domino, Antiphon (Manusript From Split, X Cent.) 1:40
A6 Ego Sum Alfa Et Omega, Antiphon (Manusript From Korcula, XII Cent.) 3:02
A7 Geneology According To Saint Luke (Manusript From Ozor, XI Cent.) 7:56
B1 O Beate Nicolae, Gradual (Manuscript From Dubrovnik, XII Cent.) 2:37
B2 Reading From The Book Of Isaiah (Manuscript From Trogir, X—XII Centuries.) 5:47
B3 Exaudi Christe (Manuscript From Zadar, XII Cent.) 3:24
B4 Alleluia (Manuscript From Dubrovnik, XII Cent.) 2:02
B5 Ave Maria (Manuscript From Dubrovnik, XII Cent.) 1:35
B6 Exultet (Manuscript From Dubrovnik, XI Cent.) 6:29